Join BinaryHeart!

Club for the 2024 school year is over, but we will be starting again in September!

BinaryHeart meets Wednesdays and Thursdays after school from 3:30-5:00 in room 504 at the Winnetka campus. Visit us and we'll show you around!


Do I need to come to all meetings?

Nope! Many members have other commitments and just come once a week or during their sportsā€˜ off seasons. Come whenever you can!

When does BinaryHeart run?

BinaryHeart meets for the entire school year. We generally start in September and end in May.

Do I need experience?

Nope! Most members and leaders actually began with no experience. The upperclassmen and club sponsors are very friendly and willing to show you the ropes.

New Trier has a fifth floor?

Yes! Come in through the front entrance and take the stairs (Staircase B or C) to the 4th floor. From there, the staircase to 504 should be next to room 420.